Monday, May 13, 2013

Motivation Monday - May 13

Finals week is quickly approaching and I thought it'd be nice to dedicate a post to motivation and inspiration. There's only one week of school left and I might as well go out with a bang! Here are some quotes that leave me feeling like I can take on the world.

This really speaks to me during finals because I've been battling with a math class (I'm a writer not a mathematician!) and I will not give up. This quote can fit into so many situations that I think it will always hold meaning for me. 

Mondays are an easy excuse to follow the crowd and just ignore the urge to go out and be something. So forget about the easy way today and make your voice be heard. You have something meaningful and important to say to the world, so go out there and say it.

As summer is quickly approaching, quite a few people may be out exploring new places even if you're in the next town over. You're still adventuring! Take it all in and enjoy life for all the beautiful things we take for granted every day.

And finally, this one is particularly special to me because I'll be heading back to my beloved Wisconsin in just a few short days! This is my reminder that I get to spend a glorious summer at home with my friends and family. But first I must ace those finals! So I better get back to studying...

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